Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program (ZEVIP) in MB

Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program (ZEVIP) in MB

“Transportation accounts for approximately 25%  of Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), of which almost half comes from passenger cars and light trucks.This is why the Government of Canada has set a mandatory target for all new light-duty cars and passenger trucks to be zero-emission by 2035, accelerating Canada’s previous goal of 100% sales by 2040”


Who Can access it: 


  1. Public spaces: defined as an area with the intent of public use such as restaurants, retail, entertainment, medical offices or park and rides.
  2. Street: On-street parking used by the public generally owned by government bodies
  3. Work places: Defined as a location where one goes to work and used by employees
  4. Multi- Unit Buildings: defined as where people live. Must be a 3 or more storey dwelling or greater than 600m2
  5. Commercial and public fleets: on road vehicles owned and operated by a common ownership such as a taxi company. 



NRCan’s contribution through this Program will be limited to fifty percent (50%) of Total Project Costs up to a maximum of five million dollars ($5,000,000) per project and up to a maximum of two million dollars ($2,000,000) per project for Delivery Organizations. Applications from Ultimate Recipient to Delivery Organizations will be limited to less than $100,000.



If your business is considering Ev chargers, now is the time. The deadline for submission is August 11, 2022. Don’t wait, get in contact with us today 


Published On: August 10, 2022Categories: EV Chargers
“Transportation accounts for approximately 25%  of Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), of which almost half comes from passenger cars and light trucks.This is why the Government of Canada has set a mandatory target for all new light-duty cars and passenger trucks to be zero-emission by 2035, accelerating Canada’s previous goal of 100% sales by 2040”


Who Can access it: 


  1. Public spaces: defined as an area with the intent of public use such as restaurants, retail, entertainment, medical offices or park and rides.
  2. Street: On-street parking used by the public generally owned by government bodies
  3. Work places: Defined as a location where one goes to work and used by employees
  4. Multi- Unit Buildings: defined as where people live. Must be a 3 or more storey dwelling or greater than 600m2
  5. Commercial and public fleets: on road vehicles owned and operated by a common ownership such as a taxi company. 



NRCan’s contribution through this Program will be limited to fifty percent (50%) of Total Project Costs up to a maximum of five million dollars ($5,000,000) per project and up to a maximum of two million dollars ($2,000,000) per project for Delivery Organizations. Applications from Ultimate Recipient to Delivery Organizations will be limited to less than $100,000.



If your business is considering Ev chargers, now is the time. The deadline for submission is August 11, 2022. Don’t wait, get in contact with us today 


Published On: August 10, 2022Categories: EV Chargers